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Hello, have a quick look at our set of specially designed sessions of Self Defence. This is of course a starting point, and just like our self defense system, it is flexible enough to incorporate what you want to learn personally. Go ahead and be specific, we can help. This is only a short list of what you can learn. Do do want to be more confident and more capable, don't you?

  • One: You are taught awareness techniques and avoiding being hit.

  • Two: You can learn how and where to strike back with confidence and power.

  • Three: You will learn how to escape being held down, choked against a wall, grabbed from behind, rape attempt, being punched. Also, what you can use as weapons, recovering if pushed to the floor and deal with much stronger or armed aggressors.


The Chief Instructor: I have received training under several national and international coaches gaining International mention in 2005 in Black Belt Magazine. After years of training in five martial arts disciplines I began my instructing career in Karate and Self Defence in 2002. I am also constantly learning new material so that I can pass on valuable knowledge to every student.


This means that you will have one of the very best self defence tuition found any where. This is a modern system, enabling you to to defend yourself in various low to high risk scenarios. You have my commitment, you can add yours. Come by and try our class or click the link below.


Myth #1 You can reason with your attacker.

It just might work however someone who would pull a knife, demand your valuables and or your body has not come prepared for a debate. The knife is there for two reasons, the first is to get your compliance. The second is to possibly hurt you if you do not comply.


It is fact that your aggressor is dependent on your fear and so that because of this you have an advantage when you are calm. In your self defence session you are taught both the physical and psychological  techniques to help you deal with this crisis moment.

Myth #2 Being fit can save your life.

You are the first responder. It is you and only you until escape or help arrives. Being fit and strong helps to deliver a bit more speed and power but without willpower, then having muscles and a six pack is a waste of time in this situation. Your brain and your training is what kicks in and saves you.


You must have the mindset that "I will survive this" and of course practice what you are taught. A single hour of class goes a long way and might even save you from actual harm.



Myth #3 I need lots of classes to be able to defend myself.

This is what most groups will tell you. We teach you self defence in a new and unique way that includes helping you to understand what is happening in that crisis moment. Most classes only teach physical self defence and the student usually gets only the benefit of the "feel good factor."


We teach you what you should and should not do; before the event, during that aggressor led crisis and what you must do afterwards.


Most onlookers will stream and post your misfortune. Do not depend on them to help. You are your own hero. Contact us today.



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